Working on it
For now, please see past book projects below.

Book of Light
A photographic card deck based on the esoteric workings of Tarot: a book whose pages can (and must!) be shuffled to be understood.

The Seqret Book
Imagine a novel that manifests one page at a time in a digital space mapped by stars and revealed through exploration. As the pages accumulate, the connections deepen and the narratives increasingly intertwine. The pages become a world.

In Doorways, memory is a veil through which time passes. Photographs, poetry and prose form a loop around which the reader may circle to find that perhaps the past hasn’t happened yet.

anglepoise is a conversation in poems between two women over 220 years. It references the work of Elizabeth Posthuma Gwillim Simcoe, author, painter, and mapmaker, who lived in Canada | Turtle Island 1791-96. Often in a canvas tent, often reading by candlelight.